We found John's Cub Scout shirt in one of his old boxes! This truly is a treasure. It looks brand new and as you can see, Tommy is super excited to be wearing it! It's hard to believe he'll be wearing it for "real" in about 2 more years.Thanks, Mom for saving this treasure for Tommy!
Check out this fun giveaway from The Lola Letters! She's my cousin, she has a super fun, popular blog, she's a photographer, and she is giving away a 'HOT Mama Photoshoot'! Fun, right? You have to go to Utah Valley for the shoot, so a lot of you are a little bit closer than I am! I want to win so I can give it away to someone else on my Savvy Sister blog- but you can win, too! Check it out!
I got treated to a SUPER fun night with some ladies from my mission! All of us in the picture served missions in the London South Mission. Ironically, I never was companions with any of these ladies! Anyhow, we are all friends and the brunette on the right is from the Netherlands and came to Utah for General Conference with her family. We got to meet her cute kids and I asked them how they liked America? I forgot that they don't speak English and their Dad translated for them. They said, 'Yes', of course!
It was so much fun to meet up with old friends. The other blonde lives in Farmington and is a Relief Society President. She is such an amazing friend, and very in tune with the Spirit! I told her I couldn't come to the dinner, but then she offered to pay for my dinner in exchange for some coupons! I'm so grateful to her. She acted really excited about the coupons so that made me feel good.Between us we have 15 children, we are all happily married and active in the church, Maureen (the red-head) is from England, but married an Elder from our mission and now lives in Farmington. Two of these ladies have also lost their mothers to cancer.... we had a lot of catching up to do, we haven't gotten together for 15 years! I thought it was hilarious that they chose a pub to have dinner at! There's no more suitable place for a bunch of London missionaries, right?
I had to get this one on here before the day is over!
We got this little handout today at my Institute class and I wanted to share.
April 6th- Many notable things have occurred on it....
The Birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem (Doctrine & Covenants 20:1)
The First Vision in Manchester, New York. "I like to think of that... being on the sixth day of April. We have no definite knowledge of it, but I believe it in my heart and in my soul." (Charles W. Nibley, CR, April 1930, 26-27)
"Then one glorious day in the spring of 1820, our tradition says that it was on April 6..." (Bruce R. McConkie, Ensign, May 1978, 13.)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Organized in Fayette, New York, 1830.
The Death or Resurrection of Jesus Christ. "I... like to believe that the resurrection of the Redeemer... occurred on the sixth of April, though I have no definite proof." (Nibley)
The Birth of the United States of America. "It was born on the sixth of April. It had previously been adopted by the Constitutional Convention and submitted to the various States for ratification. While it was intended that the returns should all be in by the fourth of March, it was not until the sixth day of April that the electoral botes of the different States were counted by the Senate and House... And on the sixth day of April, George Washington was declared to be the President of the United States. So the nation had its real birth at that time." (Nibley)