Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday Tunes

Rebecca came home last week super excited about their Music program, "Tuesday Tunes." Her music teacher asked the kids in the older grades to sign up to play their musical instrument in the hall while everyone comes into the school on Tuesday mornings. The note said, "First come-first serve" so she made sure to get her note in the next day!

Today was the big day. Look at this cute sign they set up!

Her music teacher was thrilled and said Rebecca was the first one to sign up!

She's had all of 3 or 4 months of lessons, but still she's not afraid to play for her peers. We're so excited that we were able to find a violin teacher again, she starts up again this week!

She played, "Ode to Joy" & "Jingle Bells" & "When the Saints Go Marching In." We're proud of you Rebecca, way to show your talents! (again....)

Here's a snippet for the Grandmas and the Grandpas and anyone else who would like to hear. :)

1 comment:

Grama Debbie said...

Wow Rebecca, you played so nice and you're so cute!