Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Day of School August 2012

The house is quiet... my work is done... school is back in session!
Interested in boys, music, Facebook, hair, makeup, friends
First year in high school, Westlake High School in Saratoga Springs
Extra activities: Musical Theatre, Freshman Ballroom Dance Team, Seminary
Amazing Artist
First one up everyday
Loves animals, especially dogs
Best friend to Thomas
Keeps her room and bathroom spotlessly clean and tidy
Wears a ponytail everyday (although she now has her own hair dryer and promised to wear her hair down 3 out of 7 days each week!)
Turns 12 years old tomorrow
First year in Junior High: Vista Heights Middle School
Extra activities: Fall soccer team (John and I are the assistant coaches), Art Class, Orchestra (violin), CTE class
Getting better every day
Learned to swim, jump and flip in the pool like a champ this summer
Baited his own hook with a live worm while fishing with the Cub Scouts
Loves to sell things to buy more Lego sets
New best friend Spencer moved in across the street
Has a pet named Zach, loves to carry his cage around the house and asks to take him with us wherever we go
First year at school without his sisters: 3rd grade (we noticed his teacher was 'Teacher of the Year' in Alpine School District last year... though I'm sure she's no Mrs. Blackwell) :)
We love you kids and can't believe how fast you are growing up! Thank you for making us happy everyday.


Grama Debbie said...

Ballroom Dance & Seminary, ponytails & punctuality,
Legos & a new friend...
We love you guys!

Mary said...

So much fun! A good looking, happy bunch if you ask me ;-) Love you guys, hope you are enjoying school!!